Bug / All / problem reporting tips
While we spend quite a bit of time testing our products, sometimes some bugs slip through. We're very sorry and we will work as hard as we can to fix your problems.
First be sure to browse our support pages to search for known issues. If the issue is already reported, and this affects you in a critical way, do not hesitate to report it. That way we know how many users are affected. Or we may learn more about it in order to reproduce and fix it.
Here are some information that will help us to troubleshoot further your problems:
- Which version of the game do you run? If on Android, do not trust what the Play Store app is telling you, sometimes it shows the latest version as installed but it isn't. Check instead the Android System preferences, navigate into the Apps section and check the version that is listed there.
- On which platform are you (operating system and version, device model) ? If on Windows, also look into these extra tips. If on Android, look at those tips. On IOS, be sure to reboot your device, and enable crash reports
- Does the same app work on another device?
- How usable the game is? Does the game start at all? Can you access some menus? Is the input (touch / mouse) not working properly?
- Is the problem also exhibited in a new game profile?
- Are the graphics garbled in some ways? If you provide screenshots of your problems, the more the better!
- Is this a new problem? I.e. was the game working then suddenly stopped working? Did you change something (upgrade game, hardware or operating system).
The more information you can give us, the easier it is for us to help you!
Thanks a lot for your time!
You can approach us with any problems: support@dragonbox.com